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 MCQ on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

1. Who is called as the father of Artificial Intelligence? 

A. Doug Cutting 

B. John McCarthy 

C. William S. 

D. Rasmus Lerdorf 


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Ans : B 

Clarification: the father of Artificial Intelligence is John McCarthy. 


2. What are the fundamental objectives of AI? 

A. To Create Expert Systems 

B. To Implement Human Intelligence in Machines 

C. Both An and B 

D. Nothing from what was just mentioned 


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Ans : C 

Clarification: the fundamental objectives of AI is to Create Expert Systems and to Implement Human Intelligence in Machines 


3. Which of the accompanying regions can add to assemble a canny framework? 

A. Theory 

B. Science 

C. Social science 

D. The entirety of the above mentioned 


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Ans : D 

Clarification: Philosophy, Sociology, Biology each of the three regions can add to assemble an astute framework. 


4. A PC program with AI can not respond to the nonexclusive inquiries it is intended to settle. 

A. Valid 

B. Bogus 

C. Artificial intelligence isn't utilized to address question 

D. Nothing unless there are other options 


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Ans : B 

Clarification: A PC program with AI can address the conventional inquiries it is intended to tackle. 


5. Which of coming up next isn't the sort of AI? 

A. Responsive machines 

B. Limitless memory 

C. Hypothesis of psyche 

D. Mindfulness 


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Ans : B 

Clarification: There are four sorts of computerized reasoning: receptive machines, restricted memory, hypothesis of psyche and mindfulness. 


6. Which of coming up next is a use of AI? 

A. Gaming 

B. Master Systems 

C. Vision Systems 

D. The entirety of the above mentioned 


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Ans : D 

Clarification: All alternatives are right 


7. In which college the principal demontration of AI program run? 

A. Carnegie Mellon University. 

B. Oxford University 

C. Cambridge University 

D. Stanford University 


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Ans : A 

Clarification: John McCarthy instituted the term Artificial Intelligence. Exhibit of the primary running AI program at Carnegie Mellon University. 


8. Master Ease was created under the bearing of __________ 

A. John McCarthy 

B. Donald Michie 

C. Lofti Zadeh 

D. Alan Turing 


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Ans : B 

Clarification: Expert Ease was created under the course of Donald Michie 


9. What is Artificial knowledge? 

A. Placing your knowledge into Computer 

B. Programming with your own knowledge 

C. Making a Machine insightful 

D. Playing a Game 


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Ans : C 

Clarification: Because AI is to make things work consequently through machine without utilizing human exertion. Machine will give the outcome with simply giving contribution from human. That implies the framework or machine will go about according to the prerequisite. 


10. Which of coming up next, is a segment of a specialist framework? 

A. derivation motor 

B. information base 

C. UI 

D. The entirety of the above mentioned 


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Ans : D 

Clarification: All choices are Correct.


11. Man-made consciousness is a method of _____. 

A. making a PC 

B. a PC controlled robot 

C. programming think astutely 

D. The entirety of the abovementioned 


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Ans : D 

Clarification: Artificial Intelligence is a method of making a PC, a PC controlled robot, or a product think brilliantly, in the comparative way the clever people think. 


12. A significant push of AI is in the advancement of PC capacities related with human insight. 

A. Valid 

B. Bogus 

C. Computer based intelligence isn't related with human insight 

D. Nothing from what was just mentioned 


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Ans : A 

Clarification: A significant push of AI is in the improvement of PC capacities related with human insight, like thinking, learning, and critical thinking. 


13. Which of the accompanying regions can not add to assemble a keen framework? 

A. Neuron science 

B. Maths 

C. Software engineering 

D. Topography 


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Ans : D 

Clarification: Geology can not add to fabricate a clever framework. 


14. What number of sorts of AI is there? 

A. 2 

B. 3 

C. 4 

D. 5 


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Ans : C 

Clarification: There are four sorts of computerized reasoning 


15. Computer based intelligence Technique is a way to coordinate and utilize the information proficiently so that _____. 

A. It ought to be recognizable by individuals who give it. 

B. It ought to be effectively modifiable to address blunders. 

C. Both An and B 

D. Nothing from what was just mentioned 


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Ans : B 

Clarification: Both An and B is Correct 


16. In which year John McCarthy authored the term Artificial Intelligence? 

A. 1950 

B. 1953 

C. 1956 

D. 1959 


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Ans : C 

Clarification: In 1956, John McCarthy instituted the term Artificial Intelligence. 


17. Which of coming up next isn't a utilization of AI? 

A. Savvy Robots 

B. Penmanship Recognition 

C. Discourse Recognition 

D. Content mining 


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Ans : D 

Clarification: Content mining isn't a use of AI. 


18. The conventional method to exit and LISP framework is to enter __________ 

A. stop 

B. exit 

C. bye 

D. Alright 


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Ans : B 

Clarification: The conventional method to exit and LISP framework is to enter exit. 


19. When a high level capacity is entered, the LISP processor do(es)? 

A. It peruses the capacity entered 

B. It assesses the capacity and the capacity's operands 

C. It prints the outcomes returned by the capacity 

D. The entirety of the above mentioned 


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Ans : D 

Clarification: All alternatives are right 


20. A cycle that is rehashed, assessed, and refined is called __________ 

A. symptomatic 

B. engaging 

C. interpretive 

D. iterative 


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Ans : D 

Clarification: An interaction that is rehashed, assessed, and refined is called iterative.



21. Consider if a robot is having ability to change its own trajectory as per the external conditions given, then the robot is known as

a.     Mobile

b.     Non-Servo

c.      Open Loop

d.     Intelligent

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Ans: d

Clarification: If a robot can change its own direction according to the outer conditions, then, at that point the robot is considered astute. Such sort of specialists go under the class of AI specialists or Rational Agents.


22. The method that was developed to determine whether a machine might or might not demonstrate the artificial intelligence called as

a.     Boolean Algebra

b.     Turing Test

c.      Logarithm

d.     Algorithm

Answer: b. Turing Test

Clarification: In the year 1950, mathematician and registering pioneer Alan Turing acquainted a test with decide if a machine can take on a similar mindset as a human or not, which implies it can show insight, known as the Turing Test. It depended on the "Impersonation game" for certain adjustments. This procedure is as yet a proportion of different effective AI projects, for certain updates.


23. To make decision of Win/Lose in the Game tree, which algorithm is used?

a.     Heuristic Search Algorithm

b.     DFS/BFS algorithm

c.      Greedy Search Algorithm

d.     Min/Max algorithm

Answer: d. Min/Max Algorithm

Clarification: A game tree is a coordinated chart whose hubs address the situations in Game and edges address the moves. To settle on any choice, the game tree utilizes the Min/Max calculation. The Min/Max calculation is the favored one over other hunt calculations, as it gives the best move to the player, expecting that the rival is likewise playing ideally.


24. From the following option, which option doesn’t required property of Knowledge representation?

a.     Inferential Efficiency

b.     Inferential Adequacy

c.      Representational Verification

d.     Representational Adequacy

Answer: C. Representational Verification

Clarification: Knowledge portrayal is the piece of Artificial Intelligence that arrangements with AI specialist thinking and what their speculation means for the astute conduct of specialists. A decent information portrayal requires the accompanying properties:

·                    Representational Accuracy

·                    Inferential Adequacy

·                    Inferential Efficiency

·                    Acquisitional proficiency


25. As an AI specialist agent perceives and acts upon the environment using,

a.                 Sensors

b.                 Perceiver

c.                  Actuators

d.                 Both a and c


Answer: d. Both a and c.

Clarification: An AI specialist sees and follows up on the climate utilizing Sensors and Actuators. With Sensors, it detects the encompassing, and with Actuators, it follows up on it.


26. For the Simple reflex agent, which rule is applied?

a.                 Simple-action rule

b.                 Simple &Condition-action rule

c.                  Condition-action rule

d.                 None of the above

Answer: c. Condition-action rule

Clarification: The basic reflex specialist takes choices just on the current condition and acts likewise; it overlooks the remainder of history; henceforth it observes the Condition-activity rule.


27. With the happy and unhappy state, which agent deals with?

a.                 Utility-based agent

b.                 Model-based agent

c.                  Goal-based Agent

d.                 Learning Agent

Answer: a. Utility-based agent

Clarification: Utility-based specialist utilizes an additional segment of utility that gives a proportion of achievement at a given state. It concludes that how proficient that state to accomplish the objective, which determines the satisfaction of the specialist.


28. Which option describes the common sense of the judgmental part of problem solving?

a.                 Values-based

b.                 Critical

c.                  Analytical

d.                 Heuristic

Answer: d. Heuristic

Clarification: In critical thinking, the Heuristic depicts the presence of mind or Judgmental part.


29. To understand the associations and relationships between objects and events, which AI method enables the computers?

a.                 Heuristic Processing

b.                 Cognitive Science

c.                  Relative Symbolism

d.                 Pattern Matching

Answer: d. Pattern Matching

Clarification: Pattern coordinating is an approach to check a given succession of tokens to decide the presence of a given person or information in the given grouping. It permits PCs to comprehend the connection among items and occasions.


30. In AI, the exploration problem is nothing but,

a.     Agent contains the knowledge of State and actions.

b.     Agent does not contain the knowledge of State and actions.

c.      Only actions are known to the agent.

d.     None of the above

Answer: b. Agent does not contain Knowledge State and actions

Clarification: In Exploration issues, the specialist doesn't contain the information on state space and activities ahead of time. These are troublesome issues and utilized in reality.



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